Additional Information

IP Loggers

An IP logger is a software program that records the IP addresses of visitors to a website or other online resource. IP loggers can be used for a variety of purposes, such as tracking the traffic to a website, identifying bots and other malicious traffic, and preventing spam.

There are many different IP loggers available, both free and commercial. Some popular IP loggers include:


  • Loggly: Loggly is a cloud-based IP logger that offers a variety of features, including real-time monitoring

  • Papertrail: Papertrail is another cloud-based IP logger that offers similar features to Loggly Papertrail IP logger

Network books

Network Basics for Hackers

Network Basics for Hackers is a book that teaches the fundamentals of computer networking, including IP addresses, routers, switches, and protocols. It also covers how hackers exploit vulnerabilities in networks to gain unauthorized access.

The Art of Invisibility

The Art of Invisibility is a book that teaches you how to protect your privacy online and in real life. It covers topics such as anonymizing your online activity, using encryption, and avoiding surveillance.

Ghost in the Wires

Ghost in the Wires is the autobiography of Kevin Mitnick, a former hacker who was once on the FBI's Most Wanted List. The book tells the story of Mitnick's early life, his hacking career, and his time in prison.

Other Network Courses

You may view those YouTube Playlists/Tutorials regarding CCNA Certificate preparation (NetworkChuck CCNA Course , David Bombal CCNA Course , NetworkChuck Subnetting Course , David Bombal Networks with Python Course , David Bombal Wireshark Course , ...) for more information on the network sector.

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