Kali Pre-Installed Tools

Kali SET (Social Engineering Toolkit)

The Kali SET (Social Engineering Toolkit) is a powerful tool available in the Kali Linux operating system that is specifically designed for performing social engineering attacks. It provides a range of automated and customizable attack vectors, allowing security professionals and ethical hackers to test the vulnerabilities of systems and educate users about social engineering risks.

The Social Engineering Toolkit offers a wide array of attack options, including phishing attacks, credential harvesting, website cloning, and more. It provides pre-configured templates and payloads to simplify the process of launching social engineering campaigns. Additionally, it allows for customization and tailoring of attacks to suit specific scenarios.


What is BeEF?

BeEF is short for "Browser Exploitation Framework. It is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser.

Amid growing concerns about web-borne attacks against clients, including mobile clients, BeEF allows the professional penetration tester to assess the actual security posture of a target environment by using client-side attack vectors. Unlike other security frameworks, BeEF looks past the hardened network perimeter and client system, and examines exploitability within the context of the one open door: the web browser. BeEF will hook one or more web browsers and use them as beachheads for launching directed command modules and further attacks against the system from within the browser context.

How to use it

You can learn more about this Tool and how to use it on Those YouTube Videos/Tutorials: This YouTube Video/Tutorial created by NetworkChuck or This YouTube Video/Tutorial created by zSecurity or This YouTube Video/Tutorial created by Liron Segev .



Gophish is an open-source phishing toolkit used for simulating real-world phishing attacks. It provides a platform for security professionals to conduct phishing campaigns and assess the security awareness of individuals or organizations. Gophish allows users to create customized phishing templates, send phishing emails, track user interactions, and gather metrics for analysis.

It is important to note that Gophish should be used responsibly and ethically, with proper authorization and consent from the targeted individuals or organizations. It is primarily intended for security professionals, researchers, and organizations conducting security awareness training or assessing their own security posture.

Using Gophish or any other phishing tool for malicious purposes is illegal and unethical. It is crucial to follow legal and ethical guidelines, respect privacy, and obtain proper authorization before conducting any security assessments or simulations.

Features of Gophish

  1. Campaign Creation: Gophish enables users to create and configure phishing campaigns, including email templates, landing pages, and target lists. Users can customize the content and appearance of emails to make them more convincing and tailored to the target audience.

  2. Email Templating: Gophish provides a range of predefined email templates that mimic popular services or organizations. Users can modify these templates or create their own to match their specific objectives.

  3. Landing Page Customization: The toolkit allows users to create realistic-looking landing pages that imitate the login or data entry forms of targeted websites. Users can design and customize these pages to appear authentic and capture user credentials.

  4. Tracking and Analytics: Gophish tracks user interactions with phishing emails and landing pages, providing detailed analytics and metrics. This information helps assess the success rate of the phishing campaign, such as email opens, link clicks, and submitted credentials.

  5. Reporting and Notifications: Gophish generates comprehensive reports on campaign performance, allowing users to analyze the effectiveness of their phishing campaigns. It also provides real-time notifications when users interact with phishing emails or landing pages.

Download From GitHub

How to use

You can learn more about this Tool and how to use it on Those YouTube Videos/Tutorials ( Short Format Video , Long Format Video ) created by David Bombal .

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